Posted by mannyc [] on Sunday, January 22, 2012 at 21:33:42 :
In Reply to: Re: boat owner happiness posted by Doc Dave [] on Sunday, January 22, 2012 at 11:40:25 :
the main problem with a larger boat is the head. the owner has to deal with it. my solution on this and any other boat i will ever own is to run a portipotty. on a larger boat, the key is to remove the head system and replace it with a portipotty that has a pumpout nozzle. the system is limited to the amount of fresh water that the inner tank provides. there are callup pump boats and every marina around here must assist with pump out, so traveling around with waste in your boat is not required. for only the longest ranging boats would a real head make sense. those guys get offshore and open all the valves anyway!!!!!
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