Posted by gawker [] on Monday, January 16, 2012 at 21:02:35 :
Saw a pretty good m37 on the back of a 3 car hauler today. Tan camo, pvc tan top slowly shredding at 75 MPH.
It was on the back of the car hauler at a fairly steep angle. I got up beside it to take a peek and the STRAPS WERE WRAPPED AROUND THE FRONT STEERING BAR. He went under the axle and over the bar and then back. So, the entire truck was supported at 75 mph on an incline by the front steering. There were straps on the back but they were loose. Not only was it amazingly dangerous it is certainly probably hard on the front steering. I hope whoever ordered the truck gets compensated for the top that probably won't make it much further and the steering linkage that is probably bent. I also hopes no one gets killed. Take care