Posted by Steve A [] on Friday, December 23, 2011 at 22:49:53 :
In Reply to: OT- Any experience with John Deere 110 TLB posted by Drew Reed [] on Friday, December 23, 2011 at 13:17:18 :
I own a 110TLB and really like it. To only issue i has was breaking a tie rod end in the woods with a heay load in the bucket (probably overloaded) and I didnt have the backhoe on. I have read of others breaking them. Found a replacement at NAPA for 1/4 the cost of Deere. The backhoe comes of very eash with 2 pins. Great design. Also like the live hydraulics front and rear. I just use it on the farm and it is night and day better than my previous compact tractor/bachoe. Cheaper than the overpriced Ag. tractors from Deere and Kabota also from what I found
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