Posted by Vaughn [] on Wednesday, December 07, 2011 at 20:35:58 :
In Reply to: Re: Legitimate question on warfare.... posted by Doinco [] on Wednesday, December 07, 2011 at 11:55:55 :
For those who fight the battles, war becomes personal after all an enemy will kill them given the opportunity. They are the ones who have been put at the front-lines experiencing everything war has to offer, and from that, develop the emotions and scars that will remain with them for life. Personally, I would not ask or suggest a veteran forgive the foe they fought. I have not been in battle and cannot relate to their experience and even if I took part in it and could relate, I would not, unless asked my opinion. Forgiveness is a personal decision between them and there God.
The next legitimate questions –
1. How many of us buy products made in Japan, China, France, Germany, and Mexico all of which we have had conflicts with?
2. If we do buy foreign products, what does that say about us, our values, and how we perceive history?
3. Are the enemies 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. generations removed from a conflict, automatically consider the enemy?
4. Where does it stop?
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