Re: OT Very sad situation

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Posted by Todd Wilson [] on Tuesday, December 06, 2011 at 15:19:34 :

In Reply to: OT Very sad situation posted by Kevin in Ohio [] on Tuesday, December 06, 2011 at 13:27:27 :

The PO is a fricken joke. All they have is service to offer and they dont do that very well at all. You go to our PO at noon to mail something (IE lunch hour for most people) and theres 5 windows and only 2 open. Mcdonalds has all hands on deck during the noon hour rush why cant the PO.

Our PO used to have vending machines so people at night could come into the open lobby PO Box area and mail things. Even packages. They ripped all this out a year or so ago. Once again service is all they have to offer and these machines were doing it. Evertime I went in at night there were 5-6 other people in there mailing stuff. Going to Fedex or a UPS store is much easier and better.

I also work in a print shop that does bulk mail (IE Junk Mail). In order to get a postage rate cut the shop does a lot of the sorting and putting in exact order putting stuff in mail trays or mail bags. The post ofdice doesnt have to do much other then deliver and most of the time they cant do that. Its sometimes cheaper for us to UPS junkmail to a Post Office in another town and have them unwrap the box and mail it then it is to have the US Mail take care of the entire thing. Faster too!

The US Mail backhauls so much that its no wonder they cant make ends meet. Mail gets hauled 400 miles to have a post mark put on it and sorted only to come back to be delivered locally.

Ever wonder why it took 2 weeks for a package or something to show up0 at your house. Its because a pallet of mail got parked in a Post Office somewhere and the lazy ass'd workers there didnt feel like processing it. Someone finally comes along and says hay heres some mail lets get it delivered and the stuff goes out. Theres no tracking of most mail like Fedex and UPS has so there really is no reason to bust your butt and get the mail out providing service to the paying customer.

I used to have all my bills mailed to me just so the PO has something to do but I am so disgusted with them I am converting all mny bills to show up in email and have been paying online now for sometime.


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