Posted by Galen [] on Saturday, December 03, 2011 at 19:30:29 :
Been a while since I've posted but I need your help. Fuel delivery problem. I fired up my B4 and it has an electric fuel pump. A few minutes after starting the fuel pressure drops and it dies. When I go to start the truck I can hear the pump kick in as I have an oil activated pressure switch. Cant get her to start. I am seriously thinking about scrapping the electric fuel pump and go back to the original mechanical set up. This is my 2nd electric pump and I think it has quit on me. Any recommendations, ideas etc would appreciated. I went to the electric unit to over come vapor lock in the summer and I fear that this will be a problem with the mechanical pump. I have insulated the fuel lines and routed them as far from the manifold as possible. I guess the new gas is the route of the problem. I hear "sea foam" additive helps? Thanks for reading.
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