Posted by Tom in Oregon [] on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 19:57:06 :
In Reply to: todays gas posted by bob [] on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 08:01:42 :
I put 100 octane avgas in with regular to keep it from rotting. I use the 100LL straight (or with oil mixed in for 2-cycle) in all my small engines, like chain saw, blower, mowers, pressure washer. I don't need to rebuild the carbs every spring. I did use several tanks of regular gas in the pressure washer, and the alcohol screwed up the aluminum carb and caused the needle to unseat, such that the engine would start right up but not keep running. I cleaned it up with toothpaste and a toothbrush. No more regular for that carb! 100LL is expensive at 5 to 6 bucks per gallon, but has lots of power. I mix with regular just to keep the octane lower, although I would be surprised if it would damage the valves in the industrial 230 in the PW. Even though they keep lowering the amount, 100LL still has significant lead added, so maybe this helps with lubing the valve guides. I also really like Marvel Mystery Oil added to both the crankcase and the fuel tank.