Posted by Will (in IL) [] on Wednesday, November 09, 2011 at 16:01:24 :
In Reply to: Re: Uhhhh..... was that it? posted by Todd Wilson [] on Wednesday, November 09, 2011 at 14:54:25 :
Then decided the "Industry Fee" would be delayed. Industry Fee, that is mandated my the Government in the Federal Registry?
Agricultural Marketing Service PROPOSED RULES:
Proposed Christmas Tree Promotion, Research, and Information Order, 68512–68529
Proposed Christmas Tree Promotion, Research, and Information Order; Referendum Procedures, 68529–68533
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Marketing Service 7 CFR Part 1214
[Document No. AMS–FV–10–0008–PR–1A] RIN 0581–AD00
Proposed Christmas Tree Promotion, Research, and Information Order
AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
ACTION: Proposed rule with request for comments.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule invites comments on the establishment of an industry-funded promotion, research, and information program for fresh cut Christmas trees. The proposed Christmas Tree Promotion, Research, and Information Order (Proposed Order), was submitted to the Department of Agriculture (Department) by the Christmas Tree Checkoff Task Force, an industry wide group of producers and importers that support this proposed program. Under the Proposed Order, producers and importers of fresh cut Christmas trees would pay an initial assessment of $0.15 per tree, which would be paid to the proposed Christmas Tree Promotion Board (Board). This Board would be responsible for administration and operation of the proposed Order. Producers and importers that domestically produce or import less than 500 Christmas trees annually would be exempt from the assessment. The proposed program is authorized under the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996 (1996 Act). A referendum will be conducted, among producers and importers, three years after the collection of assessments begin to determine if Christmas tree producers and importers favor the continuation of this program. This proposed rule also announces the Agricultural Marketing Service’s (AMS) intention to request approval of new Christmas tree information collection requirements by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the operation of the Proposed Order.
7 CFR 1214.46(n)
To work to achieve an effective, continuous, and coordinated program of promotion, research, evaluation, and information designed to strengthen the Christmas tree industry’s position in the marketplace; maintain and expand existing markets for Christmas trees; and to carry out programs, plans, and projects designed to provide maximum benefits to the Christmas tree industry;
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