Posted by D Sherman [] on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 10:55:46 :
I took the the PTO off the tranny of my blown engine, since it didn't work and it was a pain to hook up, and I found in the bottom of the tranny several steel pins, a lot of brass powder and a few chunks of brass. I never noticed that the synchro was bad on this truck, possibly because I never got it past 2nd gear. The gears looked okay, though some of the teeth showed a bit of abuse. No steel powder to speak of and no bearing fragments in the bottom of the case. The brass powder looked like it had been there for a long time because it was congealed into a hard mass.
I don't have any spare trannies and this is just a beater truck, so I cleaned most of the residue out and plan to run it as is. This is an M37 so it's synchromesh in 3rd and 4th, but not 1st and 2nd.
My questions are, what would cause a synchro to disintegrate so completely like that, and will it be possible to use it as a crash box or will the angled gears cause it to always pop out of 3rd and 4th if I don't have a synchro to hold it in?
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