Posted by Bruce in BC [] on Monday, October 17, 2011 at 00:10:39 :
In Reply to: OT cost of doing business posted by Glen Id [] on Sunday, October 16, 2011 at 23:08:21 :
It is not one mans decisions taking the causing the USA dollar to drop . Go back 10 years and you will see where this started . Once the USA got into 2 wars things got worse . Take a look at when USA money printing started to escalate .
Look at Greenspans influence , look at Goldman Sachs , look and understand derivatives . The whole financial system was built on a bed of sand , and it was built over decades .
The concept that one man is responsible is a crock of cow pooky .
Creativity is what makes a business successful . Not lawyers and not guys with MBAs . You have a country run by Lawyers and MBAs . Lawyers and MBAs kill companies over the long run . They kill governments and nations too . Your Government system does not allow creativity , any one brave enough to take a stand gets eaten by the media or the system itself .
The only reason the dollar is where it is IS because a lot of other nations are far worse off .
You are walking on a knife edge - hyper inflation is on one side (1000 dollars for a loaf of bread ) deflation is on the other side , which has it's own horrors .
If every bank in the USA failed tomorrow what would you do ?
Though misguided the " occupy wall street folks " have the right idea . They are attempting to make a change , more articulate and sensable people need to get involved too .
You have spent trillions on "homeland security " most of has been a waste of time and money. The money that went into that was either printed out of thin air or diverted from the people and infastructure that really needed it .
Every one of you is to blame , every one of you is at fault to one degree or another . If you do not vote , then shut up , if you do vote but base your whole amount of DD by what you see on TV or read in the paper then you should shut up too .
If you want change then get involved , scream bloody murder , change the bloody system stop buying crap , and know what you are talking about .
Rick Perry and the Tundra tart should not be worth a moments considerstion . As a nation you should be upset that these types are given a moment of time .
Some of the folks on this have shown what it takes to make change . The ARB lockers , the american made locking hubs , those bed sides are a teeny tiny example of what it takes to make a country run . You need more Steve Jobs and less Bennackie .
Yah and I am to blame too . IQ in the genious level and I would rather read a book , go hiking or play in my shop than spend my time fighting for change .
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