Posted by dave horvath [] on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 09:00:37 :
Did anyone else ctach this story in today's edition of the Detroit Press?
Fiat Owned Chyrsler Corporation Goes Retro to Increase Lagging Truck Sales - In a move some industry experts are calling "sheer genius" Fiat-Chrysler (a multi-national corporation) is looking to its past to propel the company into the future.
According to inside sources Fiat-Chrysler has engaged a rag-tag group of diehard loyalists to road-test the iconic Dodge Power Wagon and report back to corporate engineers and marketing executives with recommendations to increase lagging truck sales. Truck enthusists worldwide will recognize the Dodge Power Wagon as the venerable truck that was mistakenly discontinued in 1968 due to an accounting error.
Fiat-Chrysler has engaged an illustrious group of drivers with original condition trucks dating from 1946 to 1968. The group is expected to put the vehicles through their paces and report back with recommendations to "Get it right, dammit" in the building of modern Dodge trucks.
Fiat-Chrysler has spared no expense in this undertaking. The crew will set out for an all expenses paid three-day tour in the isolated mountains of West Virginia. They will be wined and dined in style at places like the Purple Fiddle in Thomas and the Golden Anchor in Canaan Valley. The entorage will enjoy luxurious cabin accomodations at Canaan Valley State Park & Resort.
The trucks have been hand-picked by the owners and prepared for the journey. The stalwart trucks are equipped as they originally left the factory with only minor modifications to suit the owners' unique preferences. In a nod to modern saftey regulations each truck will be equipped with an old wind bag, ready to deploy on a moment's notice.
The group's so-called leader will be driving a 1946 WDX brought back to life after a 30 year hiatus in a heated basement. The blue-green truck has been dubbed "the flying jacuzzi" for its stainless steel bed that holds water. In a show of corporate support both Anhauser Busch and Hooters have teamed up to support the effort with a bed full of Bud Light and Hooters girls.
The younger riders are expected to take copiuos notes on the journey. Their task is to single-handedly reverse a generation of truck buyers willing to shell out enormous sums of money for cheap plastic trucks built by Dodge south of the border in a place called "May-hi-co". This will be no small feat to acheive.
Fiat-Chrysler has been criticized in the past for forgetting it roots and yet not being forward thinking enough. This effort should put an end to all that idle speculation. One corporate executive was recently overheard to say "We're looking so far back with this move we can see our own ass."
Readers are encouraged to stay tuned for more as the story unfolds...
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