Posted by Paul on Monday, February 12, 2001 at 6:07PM :
To post an update to the 230 engine loading with fuel problem;
My Dodge Manual shows the float clearence between carb edge and crowns on floats to be .250 when holding the carb upside down with the float hanging down, stopped by the needle, and finger holding the bail that hold the pivot pin in place. I measured my clearence and it was .105 allowing way to much fuel in bowl. This carb was rebuilt by a carb shop when the engine was rebuilt. The engine now has 117 hours.
After setting float level to spec, I installed it and the engine started immediatelly, ran loading, pleanty of power, NORMAL.
Now the big question, the float setting was at .105 set by the carb shop. Why did the engine run perfectly for 117 hours before starting the loading problem. I cant believe the small up force of the float bent the tab.
Thanks for all the tips from everyone.
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