Welcome to Forum #37

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Posted by Joe Cimoch [ Boardmaster ] on Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 2:06PM :

Welcome to Forum #37

I received the Power Wagon "Power Train Survival Manual" written by Greg Coffin this week, and had a chance to read through it this morning.

I wish I had this manual when I started on my 1st truck. It well written and assembled.

The nice thing, which I never realized, is that Greg put in the pictures of the assemblies that use the seals and bearings, and they are all very well labeled with a legend that has the part name and number.

For instance you see three different Power Wagon transmission pictures exploded to show the parts with all the seals nad bearings labled.

A couple of other things that I liked are the numbers for wear sleeves. I just picked up a new oil seal for my winch input shaft. I was thinking if that doesn't work I can try a sleeve. Well I opened up the book and there is the sleeve number and dimension.

Greg also includes numbers for all those consumable parts like spark plugs, oil filters, clutch disk, thermostats, etc. for both the early and late trucks.

Its a welcome addition to my library.

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