Posted by John/Florida [] on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 12:43:04 :
In Reply to: Re: Irritating subject, I know... posted by Dana [] on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 11:52:32 :
I figure that I could find the parts and put my truck back together at my own expense for a collision with a pole or a tree at slow speed in a parking lot or offroad. I am more worried about the liabilty aspect of coverage, and, what should make people think twice is the fact that if you are involved in an "at fault" accident driving your truck home from Home Depot with a load of plants....the least of your problems will be getting your truck fixed. Hagerty, and most of the other classic insurers, will also deny your liability coverage which probably means a lawsuit.
I have Hagerty insurance on my 66 GTO and never had a problem with them...also never made a claim so I dont know how their sevice is. All the reviews of the company online say they are excellent and very responsive. I now insure my truck with only liability through a regular company. Its expensive and risky but I am protected from an at fault accident. I have thought about going back to Hagerty and never using my truck for anything but backroad cruising but that kinda takes the fun out of owning it and defeats some of the purpose of why we like these trucks so much.