Lectric fuel pumps/vapor lock

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Posted by Gary in CO [] on Monday, September 05, 2011 at 11:26:17 :

From a discussion on the 318 Poly group about boiling and vaporizing gas due to the manifold crossover and Ethanol in todays gas.

However I have found an electric fuel pump avoids some of the problems. It fills the carb(s) after they have cooked off and by keeping pressure on the fuel line vapor lock is virtually eliminated. I run electric pumps on both of my cars. I don't like to hear them but once on the road the sound is gone.

I used a solid phenolic spacer under the carb and with the new 318 stroker engine don't have that much of a problem. The phenolic plywood makes a great carb spacer and won't warp. My Max Wedge is where I need the electric fuel pump.

The electric fuel pump seems the way to go, over and done. I have received from Mallory Performance their new #4070LP electric fuel pump to try.

I too have an electric fuel pump which is a boon. However I think that maybe the best thing I did to the engine was build the wood spacers. They caused a 70degree drop in carb temperature from 180 to 110. Now that ain't bad!

Instead of a wood or phenolic one I a going to try one manufactured by http://www.coolcarb.com/ . They claim a 110 degree temp reduction with a comparatively thin insulating plate.

Maybe a wood carb spacer would help a flathead with vapor lock. On my old CJ2A someone drilled a small hole in the top of the float bowl cover. Crude, but it seemed to work. Lectric fuel pumps are the way to go for high altitude (12K) 4wd vapor lock problems too.
Waiting to hear from Bill. Hope your foot is feeling better man,

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