Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad.
[Follow Ups] [Post Followup] [Dodge Power Wagon Forum]
Posted by The Dodge Boys [] on Saturday, September 03, 2011 at 14:26:51 :

This morning i was out doing yard work and found one of the tree tops broke and fell over, not hitting the ground. SO I got the ladder and saw to give it a clean cut and remove it. Was thinking about what I was going to do next, leaned the ladder up against the tree.[thats the bad part]. It would get me up hight enought to clime the rest of the way. Almost there and the ladder kicked out and down I went. Broken right foot. Cast 6 to 8 weeks. Looks like I wont be driving my trucks for awile. Bummer. Bill.
Follow Ups:
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - KenaiGary 21:34:29 09/05/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - Kaegi 20:15:59 09/04/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - bill in pa 08:59:46 09/04/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - Joe Cimoch 08:46:20 09/04/2011
- Ladder Accidents Kill... - Hank 01:09:27 09/04/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - bill peaslee 23:13:38 09/03/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - Todd Wilson 22:52:40 09/03/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - Daryl in Oz 21:49:33 09/03/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - chris irick 20:27:07 09/03/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - Paul(in NY) 20:23:39 09/03/2011
- You lucky dog ... - Power Wagon Transport 18:31:17 09/03/2011
- got a count - bill 17:45:51 09/03/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - perry 17:10:07 09/03/2011
- Re: Broken Foot, Crap. Darn, Mad. - Glen Id 16:24:38 09/03/2011
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