Posted by ChrisHin Wash. St [] on Friday, September 02, 2011 at 19:48:41 :
In Reply to: OH, CRAP.... now what can I do? posted by Tom in Indiana [] on Friday, September 02, 2011 at 18:13:48 :
Listen, other than your time constraint, this is not a big problem. I deal with these things all the time and always get them out. This aint rocket science but I admit that years of experience give a guy confidence that you may not yet possess. Ridgid tool company made a set of extractors with guides and matching drill bits. These can be purchased thru snap-on and other specialty tool guys. The easiest and " failsafe" way for you to do this is: Put a couple of head bolts back in the head to hold it in the proper position, Purchase or borrow the proper sized guide which you place in the hole in the head, with the matching drill bit,drill the hole deep enough for the special straight fluted extractor to fit down snuggly into the hole. Then put the driver-nut that fits the extractor on and use the box end of an boxend wrench to turn the nut, which will turn the bolt out. You can gently drive the extractor into the bolt with a small hammer to seat it well. The drilled hole should be deep enough to be sure the extractor gets a good bite. Keep the driver nut down snug on the head and try to turn it out, if it doesnt move, try to tighten it a little, this will often break it loose, try to work it , the bolt, in and out a little. Once it moves a little it will come out. The guides hold the drill bit exactly in the middle of the bolt. If this does not work you will find that your extractor is now stuck, Dont worry, by working it back and forth a little and even gently side to side it will come out, dont bend it sideways to much, these are hardened and can snap. Often you can just continue to work it and even ream out the hole it is stuck in. Dont worry about that either. If the extractor wont get it out it simply means you go to a bigger extractor and do the same thing over. There is no bolt that will not come out. That being said, I have often had to drill all of the bolt out, meaning, there is nothing left except the threads of the bolt in the hole. The proper size bit and extractor will bring out the threads. This is easy for me as I have a full set of these tools. You may have to go by a couple extractor/bit combinations, the extractors come with the proper size driver nuts. Actually you will probably find that you do not need the larger guides with the larger drills and extractors because you have the first holes drilled in the center of the boltand will not need the head in place which also gives you more room to work. The guides were to simply keep the bit in the middle of the bolt. The larger extractor allows you to put more force on it, the bolts will come out. Guaranteed. The extractors are not "cheap" but they will last a life time, in fact they are guaranteed. I would say good luck, but luck is not what you need. The proper proceedures will get the job done and for a lot less than alternative methods. If you have no experience with torches and heating methods on cast iron, you could still judiciously apply a little heat around the stud area, it will help by increasing the bore of the hole a little and the heat differentiation will help loosen rust and crud, if the bolt sticks up above the deck of the block a little you can massage it a little with your ball peen hammer to wake it up. That should do it. Chris
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