Posted by Mark in NJ [] on Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 04:03:26 :
After flat towing my 53 PW down from the mountains(hills) of NJ to my shop, I went to the local gas station to fill her up.
Just as I was about to leave, the attendent, who appears to be a natural born citizen of this country and speaks the goodly English, tells me that he just saw a truck exactly like this one except it was Green and Black.
I thought he was pulling my leg and I left after a little question and answer session.
No more than a half hour later, about 9:15pm, while a friend and I were making a run to buy a watermelon, we approched the the intersection that the gas station occupies.
Sure enough, turning the corner going in the other direction is the mysterious black and green FFPW moving alot faster than I expected.
In this little town of 5 square miles and 30,000 people, who might that be? The town is, Fair Lawn, NJ.
Mark in NJ
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