Posted by D Sherman [] on Tuesday, August 09, 2011 at 17:11:36 :
In Reply to: Re: Boy did I get $()&*__ posted by Steve G [] on Tuesday, August 09, 2011 at 17:02:07 :
I've gotten so suspicious of people saying "It's got a rebuilt engine" that in my mind "rebuilt engine" is equivalent to "probably a good core". The old standards of what constitutes a proper rebuild seem to have disappeared. At best, it means, "I got inside it and did what I had to to get it running again". At worst it means they may or may not have measured some thing, after which threw some parts, which might or might not have been the right ones, inside it, possibly correctly and with the right tools, but likely not, so that the end result is a large block of metal that strongly resembles an engine. These days you find all kinds of stuff not put together right (like that slant 6 distributor gear), or with the wrong parts jammed in there somehow, or more insidiously with bearing clearances never plastigaged, ring gaps not set, and old parts re-used because they weren't quite totally worn out at the time. They put it together and it runs, and now it's a "rebuilt" engine. Of in the case of Rocky's, they give up on the project and pass it off to someone else. Sometimes, the engine would be better off if they HADN'T tried to "rebuild" it.
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