Posted by George in MI [] on Tuesday, August 09, 2011 at 07:28:14 :
I took my 65 WM300 out to do a couple errands and get some fresh gas. It was hot and I drove it about 50 miles. I stopped at a bank in Leland, a little nearby town, did the banking and left. The truck started fine, I turned out onto the main street which was crowded with summer tourists, drove at a walking pace about 100 feet, and it quit dead. I tried to restart a few times and it would run about 2 seconds and quit, Some people helped me push it to curb.
It occured to me it may have been a vapor lock since it was so hot and it had been running fairly hard. I opened the hood flaps, poured some water carefully on the fuel pump and waited about 15 minutes.
It then restarted easily and I drove another 10 miles home with no further issues.
So I think it was a vapor lock but I have never had this happen after the truck was running. Has anyone else had this happen?
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