Posted by Will (in IL) [] on Monday, August 08, 2011 at 16:23:11 :
In Reply to: Re: Thank God for the Tee hee party and the republicans posted by Joe in NH [] on Monday, August 08, 2011 at 16:18:39 :
S&P warned that unless there were at least $4 Trillion in Savings (not Tax hikes) there was a high likely hood of a Downgrade.
Then the small savings there was, was in the future and spread over 10 years, what did you expect them to d? Roll over and say Thank You Mr. President may I have another?
Our Government has grown too large and too powerful, and can't solve the mess we have let our elected officials (both parties) get us into. We must move away from expecting someone to be there to take care of us, to taking care of our selves. The Role of the Government is to Protect us, not care and rule over us.
God bless,