Posted by Doc Dave [] on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 07:30:00 :
In Reply to: anyone have a flathead engine Rebuild video? posted by Mike ga [] on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 21:55:13 :
Don't know of a video, but check this out from the "related links" on the home page here:
Like Mikey says, consider having at least some of the work at a shop with someone experienced unless you are already that guy.
In my area there was only one guy who would work on flatheads, and he also had the experience and equipment for them, e.g. to mill the head if it was warped (it turned out mine was a bit after he checked it).
A tip at at finding such a shop is to go on line and poke around at a Model A or T Ford club site. There are a lot of these people around and they know who works on flathead engines.
With the guy I used, people take engines to him either compelete or dissassembled and he does whatever they need, some only want him to do the actual machine work and they reassemble, etc.
My cylinders were slightly worn with a lip, so with advice from him I bought .020 over pistons on Ebay and he bored mine out accordingly. Also new rings and bearings.
He also balanced my engine when it was apart and now it runs like the proverbial sewing machine, no perceptible vibration at all when running. Inexpensive to do when all apart.