Posted by rsbuc (in toronto) [] on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 09:54:14 :
In Reply to: M37 shock mounts posted by Don in Missouri [] on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 08:14:28 :
You'll probably need a centered rear axle to use the lower M37 shock mounts.
When you go to fit the m37 lower shock mount on the axle, the 3rd member housing starts to get in the way - making it nearly impossible to get the peg straight for the shock.
You might be able to grind away at the housing, or on the mount to make it work, but that might be unsafe..
I switched to a centered rear, and they work great.
I used both the upper and lower, except that i had to raise bed slightly to get the clearance on the upper shock mount. I'll probably also have to plane off some wood from the bottom side of the boards when i get to that stage.