Posted by mannyc [] on Saturday, July 09, 2011 at 23:49:35 :
a while back i posted about a wander / vague steering feel which was new with my recently completed command car. i got some advice as to caster and alignment which was helpful. tonight, i had my bride sit in the drivers seat with the engine off - i have power steering and asked her to turn left to right, right to left until resistance was felt and repeat. i looked over the system as she did this and found that the drivers side knuckle top steering bracket was loose. as the steering wheel was turned, you could see the arm moving while the wheels did not. i removed each bolt, added a new lock washer and re-torqued it and went for a ride. what a difference. it appears that some time underneath tightening everything up is in order. thanks for the help. i still plan on checking the alignment and caster in the near future. mannyc
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