Frame, winch, or installer problem?
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Posted by Desoto61 [] on Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 12:21:23 :

Was working on fitting and drilling the bolt holes for the repro frame extensions and front bumper assembly. Got that to where I thought all was straight and square but when I set the winch on top the rear mounting holes (the ones that bolt to the frame) don't line up width-wise. Is this a frame issue? The front assembly and frame extensions seemed to line up right, and the holes are about right forward and aft, but not side to side.
Follow Ups:
- Re: Frame, winch, or installer problem? - Phil Bernard 20:16:48 06/24/2011
- Re: Frame, winch, or installer problem? - Cllint Dixon 15:57:30 06/24/2011
- Re: Frame, winch, or installer problem? - chrisnj 19:52:11 06/23/2011
- Is this a new winch to the truck? - Jerry in Idaho 18:59:55 06/23/2011
- Re: Frame, winch, or installer problem? - Milo in Pa 16:20:27 06/23/2011
- Holes 31 1/4. two winches and one frame. - ChrisCase 14:50:29 06/23/2011
- Re: Frame, winch, or installer problem? - Kaegi 14:18:37 06/23/2011
- From my 49 - Will (in IL) 13:34:19 06/23/2011
- Re: Frame, winch, or installer problem? - Clint Dixon 13:03:31 06/23/2011
- Re: Closer pic 2 - Desoto61 12:23:20 06/23/2011
- Re: closer pic 1 - Desoto61 12:22:23 06/23/2011
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