Posted by Keith in Washington [] on Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 12:10:19 :
In Reply to: Light issues almost solved posted by Mark [] on Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 09:03:38 :
Check to see if you have power to the brake system. It should be the red wire coming off the headlight switch. If you have power there check the light bulbs. They may be gone. The could have blown when you blew the fuse. If they are good then either the brake switch is bad or you have a bad wire. You can check the brake switch with a volt meter while having someone stepping on the brakes. Then check for power at the wires going into the tail lights. Just keep testing until you figure out where you loose power. If you do not have a volt meter grab a short piece of wire and a light bulb that you know is good and use it as a tester.
You may have an issue with your turn signals as I believe that they use the same bulb filament as the brakes. If there are issues with the turn signals then it could affect the brake lights. I am not sure how your turn signals are wired into the electrical system as they are usually add on later.