Posted by ChrisCase [] on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 10:46:45 :
In Reply to: Re: Manny, test your centrifugal first. posted by mannyc [] on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 09:59:10 :
Stock Chris Case's
centrifugal recurve
speed advance
500 0 (initial) 5°
900 0- 2
2300 11-15 15
3600 15-19 25
inches degrees
to 7 0
10 7-11
16 17-20
Stock curve was for a 1958 Coronet, the only thing I could find. Stock truck was probably less advance. I'd be interested in truck specs, anybody?
You can see that I have advanced the time down low and up high without advancing in the mid rpms. Runs great, no pinging. I'm running 5.83s and 11.00x16, empty truck. Smaller tires could use more, 4.88s less. Loaded truck, as if you actually USE it, less.
I HAD to recurve, because I used the slant six electronic distributor.
Now lesee what happens to my chart when posted....