Posted by D Sherman [] on Friday, June 03, 2011 at 15:39:49 :
In Reply to: Where to do it posted by GregMT [] on Thursday, June 02, 2011 at 10:18:41 :
Is that me? I keep confusing people because I use "D Sherman" as my name here. Dennis Sherman lives back east somewhere. David Sherman (me) lives in North Idaho.
I keep thinking that the area around Wallace would be perfect for a PW rally because there are so many great roads that are still open that go up narrow valleys along beautiful rivers or wind around the ridges at 5000-6000' elevation with views in all directions. It would definitely be a great place for all kinds of road trips. There's a road along a long stretch of the Bitterroot Divide from St Paul Pass south, and up north from near the Jack Waite mine. For a multi-day trip, the I don't think there's a more "wilderness" road in the lower 48 than up the Joe past Red Ives, up Califonia Gulch, out over Gospel Hill and Fly Hill to the upper Clearwater river, then South past the old Moose Creek diggins to Kelly Creek and up along Toboggan Ridge to the Lolo Trail. You have to carry quite a bit of extra gas to do that trip. Another good wilderness "truck hike" is the Magruder Road. It's more famous and not quite so long, but still fun. For hill climbing competitions and the like there are still the tailings piles and various hillsides that all the local kids try to kill themselves on.
If there was a city part of it, like a barbecue or swap meet, I'm sure the City Fathers would be glad to have it. We've had the High Mountain ATV rally for years, and the Depot Day car show. There's also Gyro Days, the Lead Creek Derby, the Huckleberry Festival, the Under the Freeway Flea Market, Slippery Gulch, and what not. I'm sure we could get the use of 3 or 4 downtown parking lots (including mine), or even use a city street. Obviously I'd invite everyone out to my land, too, but it's 10 miles from town on a rough road, and no "facilities" there, so I'm not sure that would work for everyone. We could definitely include it as part of a trail ride.
I think the biggest issue is that it's a long way from where most people live. That's a tough nut to crack.