Posted by bill in pa [] on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 20:17:35 :
In Reply to: Bill - read the post "refuses to part with his toy" posted by mike stone [] on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 17:56:04 :
You can be in arears for any one of a number of reasons. Illness injury company shut down or slow down complete loss of work.then you go in for a reduction for anyone of the reasons and the tell you "NO".reason is you made that amount in the past so you have the "potential" to find work of that pay scale again.. Unless you know ALL the specifics of the case you cant just say it's a moral decision,,
There is a reason the domestic relations let it go so long to reach the amount it email is there
Ive been thru the susport process MANY times for a general review or every time the ex get a bug in her a$$ and wants more.. She didnt spend a dime on my son,everytime he asked for ???? NO ask your father.... Wich by the way he has lived with me for about a year now..
Ive been there before,