Posted by Will (in IL) [] on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 18:14:30 :
Well, I decided to go ahead and pull the clutch out of the White/49 Power Wagon before making up my mind on getting a clutch re-built. Figured if they were both the same, I might as well get both re-built as they could not guarantee a 1 hr turn around on the re-build, and since I have three trucks that all use the same clutch disc.
It took me less than an hour into the job to find the problem with the almost non-engaging clutch. While pulling the pressure plate bolts out on the clutch in the truck, something fell out with the first bolt, then the second. On the third I caught it, there were washers/shims between the pressure plate and flywheel, preventing the plate from applying full pressure to the clutch disc.
Had I realized they were there, I could have pulled them in 20-30 min (or less) and had the problem fixed with out pulling the tranny. At this point I was on the last step of pulling the clutch, so out it came.
I compared the two clutch disc, and the one that was from the M (in the truck) was slightly better (0.31 vs 0.25 thick). So I then checked the pressure plates. The one originally from the PW was the better of the two, as it would have less gap to the flywheel when installed (providing better pressure).
So I used the M's Clutch Disc, and the PW's Pressure Plate, and did not re-install the washers/shims, that were my apparently original problem. After wrestling with the throw out bearing (tough to re-install), I checked the clutch for adjustment. I had to re-adjust the linkage back to where it was before the engine swap, and the clutch now engages about 1/2 to 2/3 on the release stroke of the pedal. So now the adjusting rod is back near the center of it's range, and not at the end as it was when I had to let all the way out before it engaged.
From pulling the seat, to re-installing it, the job took me 2.5 hours (same time as a round trip to the clutch shop). The truck and clutch worked great, took it for two laps around the subdivision.
Oh, I also installed the paper air filter I put together to work on the M's carburetor that the truck is running on.
Thanks for all the help,
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