M37 brake hose question

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Posted by D Sherman [] on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 17:06:41 :

I decided to go ahead and replace all my brake hoses, but not the rigid lines, and see if that solves the intermittent lock-up problems. AB Linn has 14-1/2" hoses that are supposed to be just for the front hubs, but it looks to me like the same hose works for the frame-to-axle hoses. Other sources show a 20-1/2" hose for frame-to-axle, but mine aren't that long. Any opinions about how important this is? This is a beater truck, but I don't want to rip the hoses off under an extreme articulation situation. Also, how important is it to have the wire spring around them? I don't think the new ones come with that. I was going to just have a hose shop make up "hydraulic hoses" to match, but that fitting on the end that has the threaded outside to attach to the bracket and the inverted flare inside is a strange one. What do most folks do for brake hoses?

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