Posted by gmharris [] on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 18:53:42 :
In Reply to: Thanks, everybody... posted by Mark Michaels [] on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 16:30:51 :
Many people are in the position they are in because of their own poor decisions: drugs, alcohol, dependency on welfare, unemployment and just a plain unwillingness to show up for work and do a good job. Or like you they failed to plan ahead and put something away for the future instead of, "..... living well, driving new cars and trucks and going to Starbucks and the movies on a regular basis".
Just finished dealing with a guy who was a pretty good worker at first. But, once he got paid, he became less and less dependable. Finally, after being missing for three days, I fired him. Meth was his problem. But, the county is nice enough to provide this single, healthy guy with a monthly food allowance so he really doesn't have to work.
Tough for me to feel sorry for the people waiting at bus stops or shopping at Goodwill when I know my taxes allow a lot of them to get by pretty well without working. In many countries, they would either find jobs or starve. Here you can just stand around and complain about not enough if being done for you.
Eighty percent of all illegal aliens in L.A. county are on welfare. Half of us work to support the other half who are, "waiting at bus stops and shopping at Goodwill" when they should be working.
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