Posted by W200CrewcabSale [] on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 15:51:31 :
In Reply to: Off-topic Question about the economy... posted by Mark Michaels [] on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 00:22:52 :
The inherent fault of our ecnomic system is that captialism demands the lowest cost and there is nobody looking out for the countrys best interest but crooked public senators and state represetnives bought off by the lobyists with the offshore money. When Ross Perot warned that NAFTA would create the grestest sucking sounds as all our manufacturing machines, tech, skilled enginners, management, some workers would be exported and set up in a 1 donkey dirt floor plant county if they were allowed to leave the USA and set up out of the county peeps called him mad. He was completly corect in his prediction. Every time i see unassembled trucks, Cat HE coming up US 59 from Mexico i think how many good USA workers are layed off or underemployed while some plant in Mexico is running wide open. We have also too many illegals here not paying taxes and getting a free ride in both countrys they go back and forth from as they dont pay taxes in Mexico either. I have never bought the lie that USA workers are lazy, its they just wont work if they cant make money at a job that being done by a illegal price cutter who lives hand to mouth. They need to make all of the US compnys come back home to sell goods here no shut down and set up in China, we are a wounded broken down USA sold out by lobbys and crooked Congress who all eat out of the same China feed trough or someother one donkey country. We need to boycott all not made in the USA products, what happeded to Sam Waltons Walmart saying made in USA only??? Did the kids all move to China when he died or what??? Its a crying shame, soon we will be invaded and surrendered due to the China investments creating a depression when they call in our noteslol
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