Posted by dave royal [] on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 22:04:23 :
In Reply to: Re: winch problem posted by Tom [] on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 03:17:04 :
Drain juice, let set overnight, the juice is thick and you want all of it out that you can get out. then remove the PTO, be very careful when you work it down thru the linkages. pay some attn. to the nuts and where they come from, two are a speical coned nut for alignment. do be VERY careful with the gaskets, they serve two purposes, shim and gasket. if it is the origdeal set you will be able to get away with losing one or two of the thin ones due to wear in the trans. when you get it on the bench you will see the problem, and if it's like mine the pin will be in the bottom of the PTO, if not, roll pins are easy to obtain. when putting it back(the hard part) get some help, to start the two coned nuts they will pull the PTO into alinement with the gears in the trans. at this point you can check the clearance by taking off the other cover, and reaching in and feeling. .006 is the setting or about that, it's not critical within 2 or 3 thou. the hard part is putting it back without tearing up the shim/gaskets. do not be alarmed if it takes a while to tighten the six nuts, I have spent over an hour on just one(kenworth) they are hard to get to with a wrench, and harder to tighten than loosen. good luck, it's not all that hard, just one of those things that will try your patience, again, good luck, Dave.