Posted by Ron in Indiana [] on Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 20:38:50 :
My son and I work side by side everyday in our family contracting business. But recently he has renewed interest in working on Power Giant trucks mainly due to his divorce. We have been in the process of rebuilding a Dana 44 closed knuckle axle. Today we finally got all the parts and started reassembly. I was working on one end , he on the other putting the knuckles together. This was the first time for both of us at this type of job. He knows his way around tools but would ask if this was right or that was the way it should be done. Like I said we work together every day but this time together was special. To add to this he has two boys 9 and 7 who like to help also. A week ago the 9 year old was wielding the air impact taking wheels off a truck. So there we were 3 generations working with a passion towards a common goal. It just doesn't get much better. I hope you have someone with which to share your hobby.
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