Follow up on found dog.

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Posted by Fleabag [] on Sunday, March 06, 2011 at 05:20:00 :

Paul in NY emailed me and wanted to know if I ever found the owner of the dog that showed up at my place and here's what I emailed back to him about the lost lab mix. Paul, just so happens that I was going to tell everyone the story about the dog that came to our place today on the forum, you see the local paper in Lafayette Indiana is suppose to have an story about pets being abandon buy their owners in the Sunday paper. The gal writing the story had contacted us about the ad that we had put in the paper trying to find the owner of the dog, and wondered what the results of the ad was and if we had found a new home for the dog, as we put two different ads in, one to locate the owners in case the dog had gotten lost and when that did not work we then put one in the paper to find someone that wanted a dog for a pet, well we did not get any calls on either one so I put an ad in the local Craigs list on the computer under farm related items looking for a farm home for the dog, just so happens a lady and her husband where looking on Craigs list for a mower blade for their tractor and seen the ad and called us because they had called a local rescue for labs chapter and was waiting for a call from them to adopt a new dog from the rescue and the rescue did not call them back yet so since they only lived about 5 miles from us they came and looked at the dog and really liked him so they adopted him and he now has 8 acres of fenced in area to run and play with the peoples other two dogs and they have him stay inside at night and spoil him rotten. The dog is doing well and seams to be real happy. The dog was really liking our place as well before these people came along but we were afraid of him going out on the local road and getting hit, we do not have a fence around our woods but he loved chasing and watching the squirrels and critters in the woods, he loved being out there and keeping watch on the property and I did not think we was going to find a home for him so I really thought we would have to keep him but we found that forever home for him and everything worked out good for him. Duane. Below is the link to the papers story that is in todays paper in Lafayette Indiana. Fleabag!!

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