Posted by mike Stone Idaho, USA [] on Friday, March 04, 2011 at 12:41:45 :
In Reply to: FFPW, flatfender, ff, etc. posted by Clint Dixon [] on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 13:04:57 :
in my opinion there is only one real power wagon WDX - WM300 series (T137s)
I am probably the only one who visits this forum who ever worked out of/ with Power Wagons and although it was quite some time ago one never forgets (western line pictures in the vintage photos) yes thats a 55 chev in the background of the clipping crew picture
my pet peve is those who keep using the term
"gin pole" as if they knew what a gin pole is
and what they are use for.
. again might be the only one on the forum who has ever seen an erection crew making lifts using a "Gin Pole" and then boot strapping it up for the next set of lifts
my 2 cents