Posted by gmharris [] on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 23:27:44 :
In Reply to: Re: gm harris posted by The Dodge Boys [] on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 21:44:24 :
Back in the day (1950's) Kent cigarettes had something called a "Micronite" filter. It was made from asbestos.
The place that made the filters would get bales of asbestos. The workers would throw the bales into a machine that ground the asbestos dry. The workers would go home covered in asbestos dust.
Back in the day, when x-ray machines first came into use, the machines were used to remove hair from women's arms.
I can remember going to a shoe store where they would use and x-ray machines to show you that your shoes fit.
I wonder what we are doing now that in 50 or 100 years they will think is really stupid.