Posted by dan m [] on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 19:46:06 :
my oldest daughter [pictured] sent me an article on pick up truck ownership rules. i took the liberty to change it a little.
the unspoken powerwagon ownership rules
rule #1. do it: dont just talk about it
rule #2. never ask if you can help: just help
rule #3. saturday is a work day, sundays are half days
rule #4.the garage is a family room
rule #5.some dogs are truck dogs and some arent,beagles are outside dogs while labs stay inside and ride in the front seat.
anyone care to fill in or add few more?
my daughter teaches school in camden ny where they actually have a drive your tractor to school day each spring. she hasnt bought a tractor yet though.
dan m
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