Posted by Tim Holloway [] on Tuesday, February 01, 2011 at 20:48:07 :
In Reply to: Re: Sure it's not the pinion seal? posted by Jim (Maine) 48 PW [] on Tuesday, February 01, 2011 at 20:35:38 :
Several methods. Take out the cotter pin and remove the pinion nut. Remove the washer behind the nut. Slide the pinion yoke off. Buy a speedi sleeve to repair the yoke, which probably has a groove worn into it from the seal.
Take some large maybe #12 or #14 self drilling and self tapping screws. Screw them into the perimeter of the seal, maybe 4 evenly spaced around. Working around on all of them, GENTLY apply a little pressure with a small pry bar. Gently. The screws will eventually strip out, just run them back in near where they ripped out, and keep on prying on them. This will be successfull the majority of the time.
If this fails, ie, you dont have enough of the seal face left to drive the screws into, take a small cold chisel and start folding the seal in on itself, it will loosen and come out, looking really mangled but who cares. Just try to be careful not to nick up the casting. It isnt a bad idea to stuff a clean rag into the void left by the yoke to keep the metal bits out of the bearings.
Get in there and just DO IT!
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