Posted by Ken See [] on Monday, January 10, 2011 at 11:48:35 :
Last week I mentioned this, my brother Frank is wrestling with moving this project along on a schedule that looks like it has an end. Anyway turns out he had all this figured out, just lost track of it. Last summer before the rally he broke the pto lever pivot mount on the orig 230/420 pto set up. Welded the mount while on the pto, which ruined the seals. Got a complete gasket kit for the pto so he could have the winch for the rally. Never fixed the pto since he planned on another set up with the new motor. Fast forward to the present, finds the gasket kit, knew it was for the 420 pto, fixes it, gets a better 420 since he hated his old one, and tries to put it behind the 318 bh, completely forgetting that he couldn't do that. Calls me, I'm brain dead too and asks you guys about it. We both went through all this last June. He's living and breathing it, I'm just a sounding board for all the issues he runs into and don't put too much thought into the details he's suffering. So, 420 for now, maybe a hydraulic motor for the winch later. Is that an option? Or the mated 435/201 set up.
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