Posted by David Sherman [] on Thursday, January 06, 2011 at 21:36:19 :
In Reply to: head bolt removal....any advice.... posted by chrisnj [] on Thursday, January 06, 2011 at 21:22:11 :
I wonder if it's possible to get a shot of penetrating oil onto the bottoms of the ones that extend into the water jacket. It seems like a few of them might be accessible somehow. Or pour ATF into the water jacket, plug the thermostat hole, and turn the engine upside down? I worry about this too, especially with any bolts that go into the water jacket because they're usually rustier on the far end than they are on the threaded part, so just "breaking them loose" doesn't guarantee you'll get them all the way out. Heat is good for removing rusted nuts from bolts (e.g. manifold manifold stud nuts), but not for bolts where the stuck threads are way down inside the casting. Plus you wouldn't want to re-used a head bolt that had been heated.