Posted by D Sherman [] on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 14:37:42 :
In Reply to: "Tin Amalgam" =,Solder? Didja know, fuel tank coating. posted by Chriscase [] on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 13:16:57 :
There may or may not be some truth to the RAF part of the story. It would be interesting to know. If the pellets are solder, and even if tin and lead raise the octane and save the valve seats, the bare metals are not going to dissolve in the fuel. I once looked up what it takes to make tetraethyl lead, and it's not simple. You don't just put some lead in some gasoline and let it dissolve. Furthermore, unless they're claiming it's some sort of homeopathic magic, it has to dissolve to do any good, and yet they claim it lasts for 100,000 miles. That's something like 80,000 lbs of fuel. It looks like there's 8 pills there. Say they're 1 gram apiece, that's .018 lbs. If they just dissolve completely in 100,000 miles, that's a concentration of 0.2 parts per million. Old-time leaded gasoline had about 500 parts per million of tetraethyl lead in it.
Lastly they title of the listing makes no sense since a WC doesn't need any additive to run on 95 octane. Prior to WWII, 95 octane was "fighting grade aviation gas", and ordinary pump gas was around 67 octane. Our current 87 octane "regular" is far above what any engine designer in the 1930s could have hoped for.
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