Posted by bucky [] on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 23:33:04 :
In Reply to: O.T. Health questions posted by bucky [] on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 22:27:33 :
I am mostly to blame. Although I haven't smoked/used tobacco & gave up drinking years ago, I DID do crap like not go to the doctor until & only if very ill, work 52 weeks a year w/o any vacation for years at a time, works lotsa overtime to make money to buy trucks that I didn't have time to enjoy and eat quick unhealthy meals because I was always under the gun to get something done for lazy/demanding boss & unrealistic customers. Then worry about stuff that I can't even control.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I hope I have enough blood & wizz in my body to get all those tests done. I take better care of my vehicles (even the sorry astrovan) than I do my health.
And yes I need to work on my spiritual well being as well. Most all of the important moves/decisions I have made in my life have come after the hard times. When its high times I never change/grow. Mountaintops are barren but the valleys of life are a sea of fertility.
I need to go through this thread & record all the various tests mentioned & advice offered. Ya'll did a heck of a job answering my questions
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