Posted by Mike Hernke [] on Friday, December 10, 2010 at 09:48:04 :
In Reply to: Re: broken axle posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Thursday, December 09, 2010 at 23:18:09 :
It is actually exactly the opposite. Without a locker an open diff can only send 50% no less no more of the power to either wheel. Thats why if you lift a wheel you are sending essentially zero power to the lifted wheel and therefore cannot send anymore than zero power to the wheel that in on the ground. With a locker you can send anywhere from zero to 100% of the power to either wheel. I will agree that generally if driven carefully a locker should get down a trail much more gracefully and therefore will have much less shock loading, however I think the locker will encourage most people (me especially) to try harder trails and shock loading combined with a locker will break stock axles very quickly. Word of warning anyone new to driving a locked vehicle, they can climb right until the tip. Several years ago I watched a girl at a camp jeep driving a rubicon jeep with front/rear lockers and really low gearing going through a hole get too close to the wall and the front wheel grabbed and started climbing the wall. Becausse of the really low gearing the engine didn't stall but just kept climbing the jeep instructor in the jeep was able to quickly turn off the ignition or they would climbed until it rolled (it was very close as is).