Posted by mike Stone Idaho, USA [] on Monday, November 22, 2010 at 19:35:35 :
conditions here in Jerome tomorrow lows like forecast for your area -4 F PW content - enjoying some Canadian Club Sherry Cask
Follow Ups: Re: Jerry - Northern Idaho forecast for Blizzard - Greg in Indy 15:58:00 11/23/2010 Re: Jerry - Northern Idaho forecast for Blizzard - Daryl in Oz 03:54:24 11/23/2010 Re: "The Shining" - chrisnj 18:37:04 11/23/2010 Re: Jerry - Northern Idaho forecast for Blizzard - Kaegi 21:31:47 11/22/2010 Bring it on - Glen Idaho 20:50:43 11/22/2010 This is my house today... - Jonas 20:44:06 11/22/2010 Re: Jerry - Northern Idaho forecast for Blizzard - The Dodge Boys 20:38:54 11/22/2010 Single Malt Scotch Whisky........ - Jerry in Idaho 21:07:52 11/22/2010 Laphroaig... - Jonas 22:02:23 11/22/2010 Re: Laphroaig... - Jerry in Idaho 22:55:30 11/22/2010 i'm a bourbon drinker but..... - mannyc 06:46:08 11/23/2010 Re: Jerry - Northern Idaho forecast for Blizzard - Jerry in Idaho 20:29:51 11/22/2010 14 degrees and dropping fast in Wallace - David Sherman 22:13:33 11/22/2010
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