His Last Request

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Posted by copey [] on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 05:46:53 :

Copey : The family is saddened to announce the passing of Copey ,born of this earth ,graced it and left it ,his time line here could not be measured in years . Some people walk through life with out passion and intensity ,this could not be said of this man .His passions , family , friends and many adventures made him a most interesting soul to be with .Copey measured success not by wealth or financial gain he embraced life with the happiness he brought into it .His credo “a strong man defends his own rights the strongest of men defend the rights of others “. Cross over easy Copey see you on the other side ~
At four a m this morning while going for coffee in his power wagon pops passed away . His last requests were to give his beloved forty five pistol to his friend Patrick and for me to post his obituary in the forum .Junior Copey

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