Posted by copey [] on Tuesday, November 09, 2010 at 04:16:13 :
In Reply to: Not the greatest weekend for vintage racing posted by Jonas [] on Monday, November 08, 2010 at 21:36:02 :
Before the T V tower was struck by lightening in August 85 we had a television here .Used to be a show about sports and such .Wild World of Sports ? If I recall the show started out with some guys crossing the finish line arms up waving winners doing a (victory) dance .Then the clip went to that poor SOB ski jumper Vinko Bogataj, March 21, 1970 who is air born on his jump for like what seems ten minutes and 12 miles of air time then Vinky crashes rolls folds breaks up for what seems like three days and 12 hard miles (the agony part).Its nice to see the competitive spirit is still practiced here by forum members no matter how they finish ~ Copey
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