Posted by 64w200crewcab [] on Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 23:57:11 :
Where would you order a Petronix converion kit with dist coil everything to switch a 1964 point dist over to pointless, i want a new dist, the coil and everything needed to update a 225 cid in a powerwagon with points, if you have installed one pleae comment about how it perfromed, i am looking at a kit to keep from fouling plugs from time to time from all of the low speed idle work the truck does, I also found out that autozone sells 225 manual choke carbs for $175 and have one coming as well, am going to get new plugs as well as wires and do a complete tune up, this is a fire truck that has sat in a barn for about 20 years and only started 2 or 3 times a year, i have never tuned it up but want to just convert it and start over with a total dist pointless set up and new carb to keep it going and making it easier to start, thanks for any coments and links in advance, today this truck made a 6 mile run with hummer wheels and tires from countless bog holes, its runs great after warmed up but is hell to start at times.
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