Grow up. (warning - rant inside)

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Posted by Brian in Oregon on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 01:10:02:

In Reply to: 6x6 posted by john on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 23:12:17:

It is RUDE to post ads that do not offer any useful info whatsoever. We don't even know if this is a Dodge truck, if it has a winch, if it even runs, if it is a rust bucket or some other piece of shit, or if it the most gorgeous restoration in North America. (Is it in North America? People from all over the owrld read and post on this page.) Nor how much you want for it (hey, I'll give you one dollar, sight unseen).

You must be lonely indeed expecting dozens of emails about your trucks and to find out if you are even near by. In other words, you are not even considerate of other peoples time. So why should anyone be considerate of you?

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